I think that it is reasonable for my first post to have some discussion of who I am and why I am here. I will leave it to you to decide if I have anything worthwhile to say.
I am an attorney in my early forties living in the Washington, D.C. suburbs. I have a wonderful wife and daughter. I grew up in Brooklyn, New York and went to college and law school in Maryland. I am a registered Democrat who considers himself a liberal and progressive. There are, however, a few issues where my leanings may be moderate, libertarian or even conservative. I do not hate Republicans nor do I think the Democrats have all the answers. I do believe, however, that the policies of the Bush Administration and the Republican controlled Congress are damaging our great country.
This country opened its arms up to my grandparents; Eastern European Jews seeking a better life in what they called "the golden land." My maternal grandfather idolized FDR. My parents admired JFK. I was raised to believe that unions were a good thing that helped ordinary working people realize the American Dream. I am a product of public schools, a state university and state law school. The public education system has allowed me to realize my own American Dream and it is a resource that should be cherished and nurtured.
I am worried about the future. I wonder if our beloved country is a ship about to run aground. Will we be just another empire cast into the trash heap of history due to our own arrogance and greed? I hope not. By creating this blog I hope to add my voice to the millions of others who think anyone can make a difference.
I hope to post to this blog weekly but perhaps more often if time permits. I will leave you with a poem I wrote recently that captures my feelings on the events of the past few years.
End of Days?
It all began when the election was stolen.
But we didn’t realize the system was broken.
The Towers came down.
The die was cast.
The Bill of Rights became a thing of the past.
Yellowcake uranium, aluminum tubes.
WMDs they said he would use.
The threat was imminent we were told.
We didn’t know the lie was bold.
Mission Accomplished, the sign said.
Tell that to the wounded and dead.
Shattered lives on both sides.
The pictures are kept from our eyes.
Flag draped coffins, in a hangar they’re laid.
But we cannot see the price being paid.
A storm, a flood, a great city in tatters.
They’re poor, they’re black, they really don’t matter.
Pensions gone, jobs offshored.
Millions more for corporate boards.
Quakers and Grannies are labeled as threats.
Not a second thought about the national debt.
Truth, justice and the American way.
Is it just a quaint notion of bygone days?
We used the bomb first.
He may use it again.
Do they really want to bring on the end?