Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Salvaging Iraq

While the disaster in Iraq gets worse by the day, the Master of that Disaster, Donald Rumsfeld, lacks any plan for the future and his brilliant strategy seems to be attacking critics of the war. Let me let you in on a little secret Secretary Rumsfeld; criticizing the Iraq war critics does not help with the war in Iraq. Stay the course and we will not cut and run are slogans not a plan. I would suggest the Bush Administration go to Plan B, or C, D, or E for that matter, but that presumes that they had a Plan A to begin with. The Democrats' plans for a pull out or redeployment in the near future will get our troops out of harm's way and that is a step in the right direction. However, we need to figure out a way to salvage the situation. There is no particular reason Iraq needs to remain intact. It was arbitrarily created by the British after World War I. From what I read Kurdistan is operating as a sovereign nation and we ought to recognize it and help the Kurds out since we hung them out to dry during the first Gulf War. We then may need to cut a deal with the Sunnis and even some former Baath Party members and let them get their piece of Iraq. The pro-Iran Shiites in Iraq seem to be the problem and it would not hurt to get some pressure on them as well as Iran. We may have to deal with some unsavory people but that never stopped the United States before, especially during the Cold War. Having a three way civil war is not ideal but I like it better than having our brave soldiers blown up everyday.


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