Sunday, October 08, 2006

May Cause Side Effects

I have nothing against the pharmaceutical industry. The drugs it produces and the research and development it conducts has, for the most part, improved people's lives. However, I would rather not see the drug commercials that have invaded our living rooms over the past few years. Luckily, we have TIVO so some of it can be avoided. Nevertheless, I really do not want to hear about sexual dysfunction, "whether the moment is right," and erections lasting 4 hours or more. I do not want to hear about shorter periods, longer periods, or no periods. I do not care if the butterfly flies through your window and puts you to sleep. I do not want to hear about side effects including nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, headaches, dizziness, stomach pain, blurred vision, or any of the dozens of other possibilities. And on a related matter, I probably can do without commercials for feminine hygiene products and hemorrhoid remedies. Is advertisement really necessary? If you have a serious medical problem I hope you are going to the doctor and not diagnosing it via a 30 second commercial. And if your issue is not so serious, go to a darn drug store. The aisles are well organized and I am sure you can find what you are looking for. And, if not, ask the pharmacist but not too loud because I may be behind you and do not want hear where you are going to put the ointment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not too mention the fact that these commercials are raising our drug prices through the roof. "There oughta be a law".

October 17, 2006 7:16 PM  

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