God and Field Hockey
My wife and I had a wonderful weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia thanks to my in-laws who watched our daughter for the weekend. We stayed at a great inn outside of Charlottesville in a picturesque setting, walked around the Downtown Mall, and had some great meals. One of the dinners was at a restaurant on Main Street in Charlottesville. It was in an old townhouse and our table was on the second floor with two other tables. Needless to say this is designed to be a quiet and intimate setting where one's voice volume should be moderated. Unfortunately, we were sitting next to some fundamentalist Christian Bush voters who felt compelled to talk about their religion at high volume for nearly two hours. Except for a slight diversion when it was declared that the New York Times was run by communists, all my wife and I heard was talk about the Scriptures, the Resurrection, the love of money is the root of evil, you cannot serve two masters, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam. The topper for me was when one of the women was talking about a tense e-mail exchange and then phone conversation with her daughter's field hockey coach at the University of Virginia. The conflict was resolved and the woman declared that it was "God's provision." Lady, I have a news flash for you, even if there is a God, and I have some big questions about that issue, I certainly do not think that he is getting involved in women's collegiate field hockey. And by the way, God is also not getting involved in NFL football, who wins the lottery and Presidential elections. If, as some people think, God put George W. Bush in the White House, then God needs to be fired because he has some really piss poor hiring skills.
I loved this post. I'm so sick of people thinking that the higher power they reach out to is like their own personal assistant. You're right... God has better things to do that moderate field hockey games. I wonder if God told them which restaurant to eat at... and which entree would serve him/them best. Sheesh. If you think about it - it's very egotistical...'I'm so important that God even has a hand in all the mundane activities of my life.' Yup. I'm sure he does, sugar plum.
Glad you liked the post. I liked the personal assistant reference. And if God were involved in our lives I would hope his big concerns would be bringing world peace, stopping global warming, curing disease and the like. The next time I hear a sports figure Thank God for the big play I think I am going to scream.
You are a better person than I. I would not have been able to enjoy my dinner and probably would have asked to be moved even if I was already on dessert.
I agree that the concept of God as some bearded "man" looking down from a cloud and literally favoring one sports team over another is naive. However, believers of different theologies with a more nuanced and complex definition of God believe that God is all around us ... moreover, God's existence may be especially felt in the uplifting arena of sport, whether it's the Super Bowl, pee-wee hockey, the Special Olympics ... and, yes, even women's collegiate field hockey.
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